Geotechnical Instrumentation
Rio Tino Dam Wall | GHD | Installation of inclinometers and vwp's using washbore and auger techniques. |
Wivenhoe Dam | Sunwater | Replacement of existing damage inclinometer. Works completed on operational power station site. |
Ballina Bypass | Construction Sciences | Installation of inclinometers, piezometers and extensometers for pacific highway upgrade. |
Q Rail | Construction Sciences | Installation of inclinometers on existing rail enbankment using excavator drill ring. |
Summerland Way Project | Geomotion / Fulton Hogan | Instrumentation project including piezometers, inclinometers and extensometers for the construction of a bridge. |
Kingford Smith Drive (KSD) | Golder Associates and Lendlease | Install inclinometers for the road extention. |
Toowoomba Second Range Crossing (TSRC) | Nexus / Cardno | Large scale Instrumentation project including piezometers, inclinometers and extensometers across cuts embankments and structures. |
University of Wollongong | University of Wollingong | Install piezometers and groundwater wells. |
ITM Soil - Ballina | ITM Soil | Drilling and installiation of inclinometers, vibrating wire piezometers and standpipe piezometers for research trial embankment. |